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Will burn down media houses if they publish Hasina’s photo

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s advisor Ruhul Quddus Talukder Dulu yesterday threatened to set ablaze newspapers and television channels which will publish photos of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina.
“No TV channel or newspaper could publish photos and speeches of BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman. We want to say that if any TV channels or newspapers broadcast the photos of this murderer (Sheikh Hasina) who killed students, those [televisions and newspaper] will be set on fire,” said Dulu.
The BNP leader came up with the remarks while speaking as the chief guest at a sit-in programme near Natore district BNP office yesterday (Thursday) noon, reports our Natore correspondent.
District BNP arranged the event demanding the trial of Sheikh Hasina and her associates for the killing of students and people.
Dulu said if Jamaat is banned for genocide, why won’t Awami League be banned for brutally killing thousands of students. “Our demand is to ban Awami League as soon as possible.”
He said she (Sheikh Hasina) is plotting a counter-coup, but students and people of this country will build resistance again. They [AL] have no chance to come to power.
Dulu also said, “We will do whatever is necessary to keep Natore peaceful and terror free along with common people of Natore, students, and journalists.”
BNP national executive committee member Kazi Golam Morshed, district BNP member secretary Rahim Newaz, and joint convener Farhad Ali Dewan Shahin, among others, spoke in the programme.
